Laser Hair Removal Side Effects
Electrolysis is one of the most popular procedures of hair removal. It has many advantages over the laser hair removal technique. Unwanted hair growth as on women's upper lip and arms is often caused due to hereditary reasons or because of hormonal levels and even by some drugs and illnesses. There are many techniques available to remove unwanted hair like waxing, bleaching and laser removal. Electrolysis is perhaps the only permanent one and the safest. It has fewer side effects as well.
Many people who do not find laser techniques suitable for them opt for electrolysis hair removal. Electrolysis is especially good for darker skinned people with grey or blond hair as other techniques are not so effective for them.
Laser Hair Removal Side Effects
The electrolysis procedure for removing unwanted hair was first used in 1875 by an ophthalmologist named Dr. Charles E. Michael on a patient to remove an ingrown eye lash. Since, this process has been modified to remove unwanted hair from any part of the body.
To perform electrolysis, a special needle called an epilator is used to direct short wave radio frequencies or electro chemical currents or both into a single hair follicle at a time and according to its depth, thickness and direction of growth. The current destroys the follicle which is the growth centre of the hair attacking the dermal papilla. Thus hair can never grow back again. A special probe is used then to pierce the follicle and the hair is pulled out with forceps without causing any pain to the patient.
Electrolysis is known to be a permanent method of hair removal. The Food and Drug Administration and the American Medical Association recognize only electrolysis as a permanent method of hair removal. It has little or no side effect usually. Contrary to the usual fear of pain we have associated to electrolysis sessions, there is only a tingling pain at most in electrolysis and no blood loss at all. Even that can be avoided with topical anesthesia.
Besides the permanence factor, electrolysis proves to be a better and safer option than most other methods including bleaching and waxing which can cause irritation, pain and even permanent discoloration of skin which is not the case with electrolysis. Even laser technique is more limited than electrolysis. Laser treatment is restricted to only light skinned people with dark hair as laser works by targeting and destroying pigment it can burn people with dark skin and not give the complete results in the case of people with light hair.
Electrolysis is a lengthy process though. It is usually completed in repeated sessions as only growing hair is targeted and hair doesn't grow all together at the same rate. One may need anywhere between 15 to 30 sessions. It is also expensive. A 30 minute session can cost .
But even then it is the most preferred method for as discussed above it is permanent, safe and less painful than most techniques and there is no fear of skin damage or discoloration from chemicals.
Electrolysis Hair Removal
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